Notes about Active Record in Yii framework

Yii comes with a nice implementation of Martin Fowler’s Active Record pattern. Being one of the major components of Yii framework, it nicely handles validation, persistence and querying of the objects stored in a database, so you can focus on the actual logic instead. Here are some useful and good to know things for Yii programmers.

It’s a finder

Instead of talking about CActiveRecord objects in general, let’s take Post class as an example of an AR model.

Besides representing your marvelous blog posts, each Post object also acts as a finder of posts. When you call Post::model() you get a special instance of Post which serves as a finder among other things. This is also highlighted in the documentation:

It is provided for invoking class-level methods (something similar to static class methods.)

It’s explicitly stated that returned object should be used to invoke class-level methods, or roughly speaking, methods which work on collections of Post objects rather than one specific instance of Post. All find* methods are class-level methods because they operate on collection.

To act as a finder, all Post objects hold criteria object inside them – instance of CDbCriteria. Let’s call it inner criteria and that’s what you get when you call $post->getDbCriteria(). When you call various scopes you’re actually modifying inner criteria (that’s why I like to think about scopes as criteria modifiers). Relational query methods like together and with also modify it. When we initially call Post::model(), inner criteria is clean, that is, it does not have any SQL conditions applied. When we further chain scopes like Post::model()->published()->recent() criteria gets modified and remembers all query details like condition, ordering, limit, joins, etc (provided we properly wrote these scopes). Finally, when we fire off one of the find* or count* methods (these methods also can receive additional criteria object which will be merged with the inner criteria), the actual database query is performed and inner criteria is reset to clean state. The last step is very important, because if criteria isn’t reset, all subsequent queries will still be using old criteria details.

So here comes the not so obvious part – this inner criteria is shared by ALL finder instances of Post. Let’s have a look at this example to understand why it matters.

// Model: models/Post.php
class Post extends CActiveRecord {
  // Scopes inside Post model
  public function scopes() {
    return array(
      'published' => array(
        'condition' => 'published = 1'
      'popular' => array(
        'condition' => 'published = 1',
        'order' => 'view_count DESC',
        'limit' => 3,
  // ...

// Controller: controllers/PostController.php
class PostController extends CController {
  // Show off posts
  public function actionIndex() {
    // Show only published posts
    $dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider(Post::model()->published());

// View: views/post/index.php

$this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(

So far everything is great. When we go to /post/index we see all published blog posts. Now suppose we also want to show latest popular posts. Let’s use named scope popular for that. Our controller and view will be changed a bit.

class PostController extends CController {
  // Show off posts
  public function actionIndex() {
    $dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider(Post::model()->published());
    $popular = Post::model()->popular()->findAll(); // <-- this
      'popular' => $popular,

// View
<? foreach ($popular as $post): ?>
  <li><?= CHtml::encode($post->title) ?></li>
<? endforeach ?>

$this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(

Now when we go the posts page, we suddenly see ALL posts under “Posts” header, both published and not published. Seems like Post::model()->published() isn’t working when we pass it to the CActiveDataProvider. Why? Remember that inner criteria object is shared among all Post finders? When we pass Post::model()->published() to the provider, the actual database query isn’t performed, because findAll is NOT called yet (it will be called when CListView inside the view gets rendered). When we call Post::model()->popular()->findAll(), criteria object inside Post is reset. So all Post finders, including the one which sits inside provider, now have a clean criteria. When the CListView gets rendered, it’s too late, criteria is already clean, so the CActiveDataProvider fetches all posts. To overcome this, we can either get popular posts before creating data provider:

$popular = Post::model()->popular()->findAll();
$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider(Post::model()->published());

or in case of some complicated scenario we can save and restore the inner criteria:

$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider(Post::model()->published());
// Save criteria
$oldCriteria = Post::model()->getDbCriteria();
// Do our work
$popular = Post::model()->popular()->findAll();
// Restore criteria

I took me some time to figure out what’s happening when I first discovered it, so you’d better keep it in mind. Now let’s take a peek inside CActiveRecord to understand why criteria it shared:

public static function model($className=__CLASS__)
    return self::$_models[$className];
    $model=self::$_models[$className]=new $className(null);
    $model->_md=new CActiveRecordMetaData($model);
    return $model;

Wow, actually the whole static model is cached in a static variable $_models to make things faster, so that means we get the same instance when we call Post::model(). Which of course implies that inner criteria will be the same too.

Another thing I had some troubles with is getting related models and, at the same time, using relational data to filter primary models. Scenario:

  1. A (primary model) has many B-s
  2. You want to search A and also fetch all of it’s B-s using with option
  3. You want to select only some A-s based on data in B

To illustrate it, let’s add tags to posts:

class Post {
  public function relations() {
    return array(
      'tags' => array(self::MANY_MANY, 'Tag', 'post_tag(post_id, tag_id)'),

Note that we use additional table post_tag to store MANY_MANY relations.

In the post listing we show tags as links:

<? foreach ($post->tags as $tag): ?>
<?= CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($tag->name), array('post/index', 'tag' => $tag->name)) ?>,
<? endforeach ?>

Now we should output posts for given tag when /post/index?tag=tagname is requested. No problem, we already have a relation for that:

if (isset($_GET['tag'])) {
  $posts = Post::model()->published()->findAll(array(
    'with' => array(
      'tags' => array(
        'condition' => ' = :tagName',
        'params' => array(':tagName' => $_GET['tag']),

This code correctly finds tagged posts, but has another problem – only the requested tag is shown in a list of tags for all found posts. For example, if we had visited /post/index?tag=gaming page, we’d see only “gaming” in “Tagged:” section of every post, even if they have more tags. This is correct behavior, as we’re explicitly restricting related tags to only those with specified name. To get all related tags we can introduce an additional join to filter posts:

$posts = Post::model()->published()->findAll(array(
  'with' => 'tags', // or 'with' => array('tags' => array('together' => false)),
                    // to load tags in a separate query

  // Introducing manual join
  'join' => '
    INNER JOIN post_tag pt ON pt.post_id =
    INNER JOIN tag ON pt.tag_id =
  // and specify criteria for the join
  'condition' => ' = :tagName',
  'params' => array(':tagName' => $_GET['tag']),

Note that if you don’t want to load related models, there is no need in an additional join, just use the select option:

// We don't need to load tags
$posts = Post::model()->published()->findAll(array(
  'with' => array(
    'tags' => array(
      'select' => false,
      'condition' => ' = :tagName',
      'params' => array(':tagName' => $_GET['tag']),

Using scopes safely

Scopes are great. They allow us to refactor monstrous find* invocations and break them into simple, maintainable and reusable methods.

Since all AR query stuff eventually gets converted into SQL equivalent, most errors arise from naming conflicts. We don’t need to worry about it when calling one of the AR query methods with additional criteria parameter, since we see all table, column names and aliases right where the call happens. But when writing scopes, we should take extra measures to prevent errors. This is because we don’t know in advance all the places where this scope is going to be used, so we must ensure there isn’t anything hardcoded.

Quote table, alias and column names

// Bad
  'condition' => 't.likes > 10',

// Good
$db = $this->getDbConnection();
$alias = $this->getTableAlias(true); // Pass true to quote
$column = $db->quoteColumnName('likes');
  'condition' => "{$alias}.{$column} > 10",

Table alias

As noted in the documentation, table alias may vary in relational queries, so we don’t know it in advance. The good example is already shown above.

// Bad, does not use alias at all
$column = $db->quoteColumnName('likes');
  'condition' => "{$column} > 10",

// Bad, hardcoded alias
  'condition' => "t.{$column} > 10",

Table names

If you’ll ever need to know name of a table, all AR models define method “tableName”.

// Bad
  'join' => 'user',

// Good
$db = $this->getDbConnection();
$table = $db->quoteTableName(User::model()->tableName());
  'join' => $table,

Use unique names for binding parameters

We could have invented our own solution for this, but CDbCriteria already provides static $paramCount property, which is used internally by framework itself to generate unique parameter names.

// Bad, this fails if there is another binding called :param
  'condition' => " > :param",
  'params' => array(':param' => 2),

// Good
// By default it generates names like :ycp1
$paramName = CDbCriteria::PARAM_PREFIX . CDbCriteria::$paramCount++;
  'condition' => " > {$paramName}",
  'params' => array($paramName => 2),

Merge default scopes of parent classes

If both child and parent AR classes have defined defaultScope, do not try to merge them with something like array_merge, use CDbCriteria::mergeWith instead:

public function defaultScope() {
  $criteria = new CDbCriteria(array(
    // Specify your default scope here
  return $criteria;

Also …

You should be able to debug AR stuff by looking at generated SQLs. I use CWebLogRoute to see all SQL queries at the bottom of a page, so I can quickly search. If you can’t find your query just use some unique alias or SQL comment (like “abracadabra”) and search for that.

Of course we can fall back to SQL, but AR is much more convenient to use over plain arrays, especially if models contain complicated business logic. Also, some components like CActiveDataProvider work only with AR.